Thursday 3 March 2011

Last month Interesting Stuff (February 2011)

Last month I was mainly active reading about some generic client side-server side items:

  • Inheritance in JavaScript is a recurrent and controversial topic (should we adapt a Prototype-based language to our, at for most people, Çlass-based background, or just the contrary, leverage our brain plasticity to adapt ourselves to the language?). Anyway, this article and this one, are really helpful.

  • I already knew JSONP was a mechanism to bypass the Same origin policy limitation, but as I'd never needed to use it I'd never investigated any further.
    This article clearly explains how it works, the nice job done by jQuery injecting the needed <script> tags and an extra function, and how the server needs to return the requested data wrapped on an invocation to that function generated by jQuery.

  • Time ago I had glanced through several articles explaining how to develop high performance servers, so coming across this article in infoq brought to my mind some other discussions like this and this. All in all it's a matter of not creating a new thread for each new incoming request, and it's used for some real world servers that tackle the so called CK10 problem.

and learning Asp.Net MVC 3:

  • Asp.Net MVC 3 is a really extensible/customizable beast, and the new IDependencyResolver centralizes much of that. This article provides tons of information about it.

  • Thought based on an earlier version, this article about testing is also a good read.

  • I didn't know you could have different methods responding to the same Action, and instruct the runtime which one to use by means of attributes. This article rather amazed me.

  • With the right settings it's easy to debug the MVC source code from Visual Studio. That way VS downloads all the needed files on the go, and you don't need to download the MVC source code and change the MVC assembly references as explained on other articles.
    As of now, the Framework Source Code, though being available here, is not available on the Symbol Servers, so to debug the Framework Source Code you need to download and extract that huge 1GB file, as explained here.
  • debugging:

Well, mission accomplished, I've put together in an easy to reach page a partial dump of my brain activity for the last month :-)

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