Thursday 17 May 2012

Bruce Eckel, Actors and more

As a Programming languages freak I'm a big advocate of Polyglot programming, so this presentation in infoQ immediately caught my eye. I was greatly pleased when found out that it was written by Bruce Eckel. It's been a very long while since I read his classical Thinking in Java, and even read part of Thinking in C++ (even someone with such distaste for C++ like me has to acknowledge that it's an excellent book), so it's good to see what Bruce's mind has been working on lately, sure it can offer direction :-) Based on this presentation it seems like he's been much into Python and Scala.

I have to painfully admit that in the last years I've been quite disconnected from Python. On one side, JavaScript and Groovy (and even C#) completely fulfill my need for freak-advanced-cute features, and on the other side I think I never fully bought the syntax (each day I'm less willing to move away from "C syntax").

As for Scala, it's one of the many things in my list of cool stuff to play with (even when the geek in me is much more of a Groovy type), along with other topic mentioned by Bruce, the Actor model. I've got zero knowledge about "Actors oriented concurrency", but I remember having first heard about this paradigm some years ago through a Microsoft Research Project named Axum. It seems like that .Net language with built-in Actors is now discontinued, but some of its concepts have made into the .Net framework itself or some other projects. Well, too many things I want to learn and too little time...

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