Thursday 18 January 2018

Juger les Djihadistes

The excellent editorial by Riss (La-bas si j'y suis) in last week's Charlie Hebdo reminded me of another stupid debate happening now in France. It deals with whether the Yihadists of French nationality that have been captured in Syria or Irak should be judged in those countries or should be brought back to France to judge them here. The idea is that a French citizen that joins a terrorist organization is already committing a crime under the French law and hence can be judged in France. OK, that sounds correct, but as he has committed crimes (murdering, raping...) in another country for sure the other country has the right to judge him according to its laws. This criminal is already arrested in the country where he has conducted his worst crimes, so for sure he has to be judged there. If hopefully he is sentenced to capital punishment or a life sentence, that's all, if he were setenced to less than that then it would make sense that once he has finished his sentence he is brought to France and judged and condemned in France. Well, indeed that would be a very bad idea, because he would live a few years in prison at the expense of the French tax-payer and then he would be free in our soil, willing to radicalise others and attack again... The best option would be to deprive these beasts of the French nationality and never let them back.

Unfortunately, those who want to bring these bastards back in France have something completely different in mind. They want to bring them back in France now, so that they can scape the sentence in Irak/Syria (where hopefully and most likely they will be executed as they deserve) and be judged by the soft French laws that will just sentence them to staying a few years in a luxury prison where they will be able to radicalise other immates... This is what some stupid "Human Rights" organizations (you can read what I think about these "humans" here), families, Islamist scum and the the criminals themselves think.

So these criminals that hate France and the French society so much, that do not recognize its institutions and have pissed and shit on them for years (first as delinquents in their "quartiers", then trying to spread the Islamist disease, and then by "representing this country" killing innocents and raping...) now suddenly want to return "home" and adhere to the French law... obviously because they want to scape death and get the soft sentence that the lax and weak French Justice system (or any other Western European System) would give them... In the end these pieces of shit are neither so "valerous" as they claim or so "crazy" as the IslamoGauche tries to sell us as a way to excuse Islam... I don't know what "the book" says about it, but maybe being captured and executed does not grant these "warriors" with the promised 72 virgins...

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