Friday 2 February 2024

Python late-bound default parameters

Last year I wrote a post about the odd behaviour of default arguments/parameters in Python (by the way, I always get confused about whether I should say arguments or parameters in this case). This behaviour comes from the fact that default parameters are bound at function definition time rather than at call time (late bound). As explained in that post, JavaScript, Kotlin and Ruby behave differently, the value for a default parameter is evaluated each time the function is call. At that time I had not paid attention to how powerful such a feature is. Looking into the MDN documentation I've seen that parameters can use previous parameters in its definition:

function greet(name, greeting, message = `${greeting} ${name}`) {
  return [name, greeting, message];

Kotlin documentation does not stress that much these advanced uses, but of course it also comes with them:

fun read(
    b: ByteArray,
    off: Int = 0,
    len: Int = b.size,
) { /*...*/ }

What has led me to review what default parameters allow in these languages is that I recently came across with a draft for a PEP (671), that of course was not received with particular interest by part of the community (probably the same ones that tells us that optional chaining has no particular use case...), that proposes taking Python default arguments to the next level by making them late-bound (and allowing them access to other parameters). As interesting as the proposal is the fact that one smart guy has sort of implemented it in the late module, by means of decorators.

The way to implement such thing in pure Python is not so misterious (particularly after checking the source code :-D Given that parameters are bound at definition time, let's bind something that will produce a value, rather than a value itself. Then, in order to make that producer run each time the function is invoked, let's wrap that function with another one that will do the calling. Join to this the powerful inspect(fn).signature() method, and we are done. What the late guy has implemented is really nice, but it does not seem so powerful as what the PEP proposes (and that is the same that we have in JavaScript and Kotlin). It does not allow late-bound parameters to depend on other parameters (either also late-bounds or normal). So after having checked the source code I went ahead with implementing my own version of late-binding (or call-time binding) for default parameters. Here it is:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Any
import functools
import inspect

class LateBound:
	resolver: Callable

def _invoke_late_bound(callable: Callable, arg_name_to_value: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
    invokes a callable passing over to it the parameters defined in its signature
    we obtain those values from the arg_name_to_value dictionary
    expected_params = inspect.signature(callable).parameters.keys()
    kwargs = {name: arg_name_to_value[name]
         for name in expected_params
    return callable(**kwargs)

def _add_late_bounds(arg_name_to_value: dict[str, Any], late_bounds: list[str, Callable]):
    """resolves late-bound values and adds them to the arg_name_to_value dictionary"""
    for name, callable in late_bounds:
        val = _invoke_late_bound(callable, arg_name_to_value)
        #this way one late bound can depend on a previous late boud 
        arg_name_to_value[name] = val

def _resolve_args(target_fn: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """returns a dictionary with the name and value all the parameters (the ones already provided, the calculated latebounds and the normal defaults)"""
    # dictionary of the arguments and values received by the function at runtime
    # we use it to be able to calculate late_bound values based on other parameters
    arg_name_to_value: dict[str, Any] = {}
    arg_names = list(inspect.signature(target_fn).parameters.keys())
    for index, arg in enumerate(args):
        arg_name_to_value[arg_names[index]] = arg
    arg_name_to_value = {**arg_name_to_value, **kwargs}
    # obtain the values for all default parameters that have not been provided
    # we obtain them all here so that late_bounds can depend on other (compile-time or late-bound) default parameters
    #late bounds to calculate (were not provided in args-kwargs)
    not_late_bounds  = {name: param.default 
        for name, param in inspect.signature(target_fn).parameters.items()
        if not isinstance(param.default, LateBound) and not name in arg_name_to_value
    arg_name_to_value = {**arg_name_to_value, **not_late_bounds}

    # list rather than dictionary as order matters (so that a late-bound can depend on a previous late-bound)
    late_bounds = [(name, param.default.resolver) 
        for name, param in inspect.signature(target_fn).parameters.items()
        if isinstance(param.default, LateBound) and not name in arg_name_to_value

    _add_late_bounds(arg_name_to_value, late_bounds)
    return arg_name_to_value

#decorator function
def late_bind(target_fn: Callable | type) -> Callable | type:
    """decorates a function enabling late-binding of default parameters for it"""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        kwargs = _resolve_args(target_fn, *args, **kwargs)
        return target_fn(**kwargs)

    return wrapper

And you can use it like this:

from datetime import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
from late_bound_default_args import late_bind, LateBound

def say_hi(source: str, target: str, greet: str, 
    extra = LateBound(lambda: f"[{}]"),
    return f"{greet} from {source} to {target}. {extra}"

def say_hi2(source: str, target: str, greet: str, 
    extra = LateBound(lambda greet: f"[{greet.upper()}!]"),
    return f"{greet} from {source} to {target}. {extra}"

print(say_hi("Xuan", "Francois", "Bonjour"))
print(say_hi2("Xuan", "Francois", "Bonjour"))

#Bonjour from Xuan to Francois. [2024-02-02_002939]
#Bonjour from Xuan to Francois. [BONJOUR!]

# access to the "self" parameter in a late-bound method works also fine
class Person:
    name: str
    birth_place: str

    def travel(self, by: str, 
        start_city: str = LateBound(lambda self: self.birth_place), 
        to: str = "Paris"
        """ """
        return(f"{} is travelling from {start_city} to {to} by {by}")
p1 = Person("Xuan", "Xixon")
# Xuan is travelling from Xixon to Paris by train

I've uploaded it to a gist

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