In the XIX century Karl Marx said this famous sentence with which in general terms (I accept some nuances: religion vs spirituality, individual interpretations) I agree so much:
"Religion is the opiate of the people"Nowadays we can reformulate it a bit and say:
Drugs are the money of Radical Islam.
Yes, we all know how the Taliban have used drug traffic (heroin) to fund their crimes against humanity, but it seems this trend has spread to other fundamentalist groups.
This interesting documentary (sorry, it's in Spanish) tells us about the relation between
Al-Qaeda in Maghref and South American drug dealers. The Wahhabist controlled area of the Sahara desert in Mali is a good place for planes from South America to take land and from there cross the Argelian border all the way to poison Europe. Well, I'm not blaming them for that, nobody forces you to sniff cocaine, it's not the dealer's fault, it's the consumer's fault... From the rotten mind of a Fundamentalist weakening and poisoning the infidels is a good way of carrying out their filthy yihad... but sometimes it's other muslims who fall into addiction, well, sure it's that they're not "devote enough"...
Of course, drugs are not the main source of funding for Radical Islam, petrodollars from the government of Saudi Arabia is the main source of funding, maybe not directly to the armed groups, but sure for the radical clerics that brainwash their congregations and infuse into them their distorted, false and radicalized interpretation of Islam.
Wahhabism, the radical sect that is majoritary in Saudi Arabia hates us cause we're
Kafirs (they even hate other muslims that not fit in their mold, like Shia muslims).
They're at war with us (but many of us seem not to want to realize), and because of that they spend millions printing modified versions of Qur'an containing such lunatic sentences for a book written in the VII century as "use tanks and machineguns against the infidels". These versions of Qur'an are sent for free to mosques all over the world... They also spend millions funding madrasas and mosques and paying salaries to radical
anti-Western clerics that spread from there their message of hate and bigotry.
Regarding this, wikipedia extracts this sentence from
this excellent documentary:
Saudi Arabia began to spend tens of billions of dollars throughout the Islamic world promoting Wahhabism, which was sometimes referred to as "petro-Islam".[47] According to the documentary called The Qur'an aired in the UK, presenter Antony Thomas suggests the figure may be "upward of $100 billion"I really recommend the documentary, it's not an attack on Islam, but an objective documentary that shows both good and bad things in Islam and attempts to explain why the radical bastards have won the battle to the moderate muslims, and what parts of the book can be mistakenly read to support their fanatical views.
Do you renember the
"bearded guys" demonstrating in Trafalgar Square in early 2006 because of the
Muhammad cartoons controversy? (those days I really fancied hanging a Danish Flag in my window), claiming for the destruction of Europe (the same Europe that provides them with a salary and a free health system... quite different to what they have in their shit countries...) I bet those bastards got some petrodollar educational aid.
Much more than Iran (where good part of the population is rather moderate and where other religious minorities are respected) the biggest "devil" in the Islamic world is Saudi Arabia (that mediaval country where people are hanged in public squares and where the public practice of non-Muslim religions is prohibited). I don't see the Iranian government (with all the revolting that Ahmadinejad is) funding the world wide spread of Islam (even when they're financing Hezbollah or some Iraqui shia militias).
Of course the problem is that Saudi Government is an "alley" of the USA (and the Western world in general) that aids them to satisfy their need for petrol... Back in the 80s the talibans where also allies of the USA in their war on "Communist Devil". Years later the relationship proved rather wrong, and we all know what came next... when the Saudi-USA alliance proves wrong, I'm afraid the outcome will be much worse...
Update:while visiting different sources preparing this post, I knew about the
Undercover Mosque documentary. I've just watched it and it absolutely backs up all what I claim above about Saudi Arabia. If I were British, I would feel terrified at the prospect of these fundamentalist bastards outnumbering "Kafirs" (we know that they tend to keep here their third world birthrate) and seizing power...