Well, I guess such a title will have you pretty intrigued, what the fuck is this idiot going to tell us?
Hopefully there's not an ongoing "Chinese Holocaust". Chinese have not violently invaded a foreign land under the excuses of having belonged to their ancestors 2000 years ago (the current Chinese invasion of Africa is quite more pacific and not done on ethnic basis, just on economic ones). Also, the Chinese research and start up ecosystem is not in pair with the one in Israel. So, what is this all about?
Well, it seems that for "la racaille" (that self-victimised bunch of criminals making up a part of the population of certain urban areas in France), at least for the maghrebian and Muslim subsaharian racaille, the Chinese are seen with the same eyes that the Jews were seen by the Nazis. For these criminals the Chinese are wealthy people that make money out of some sort of dark business. They always have cash, and their women are infidels that do not cover their sinny bodies, so let's rob them, harass them and even kill them...
This is not science fiction, this is what is happening in Aubervilliers, one city in the infamous Seine-Saint-Denis department, in the surroundings of Paris. This city is one example of how the nice multiculturalism of 25 years ago has turned into a communitarian hell (thanks in part to the islamo-collaborationist stupidity of the Communist Party that has been in power almost uninterruptedly for 70 years). In the last years the Chinese community in the area has quite grown, which is great news, as Chinese people tend to be normal folks (many of them atheists) that work hard and strain to integrate in the country. One detail that in the past I guess was not a particular concern but in the last years starts to be more important for a percentage of the population, due to the discomfort with that other (religious...) community that does all efforts to not integrate and just keep aside complaining about everything, is that the East Asian community tends to put French names to their kids (quite different from all those third generation Mohammed...) This Chinese population is mainly involved in the textile business, and as I've said, work hard to prosper, so la racaille has been targeting this community in Aubervilliers, with continuous robberies, harassment, and sadly, murders. In the past it happened the same in Belleville, but hopefully either thanks to the police or to the actions of self protection by the Asian community, la racaille was beaten. By the way, Belleville and Menimoltant are 2 particularly interesting areas of Paris Intra-muros. These are 2 popular neighbourhoods where for the most part one can still enjoy the mixing of cultures (without a too notorious presence of that hateful medieval and colonising political religious misinterpretation...)
Other than the fact that these East Asians seem to have some cash with them, there has to be something more that spurs all these attacks, cause they look like fuelled by a profound hate. And yes, I think it's easy to think of a few reasons that put these attacks in the dirty bag of racist and ethnic crimes, rather than "normal criminality".
First, this East Asian community is doing now as the Vietnamese immigrants did in the 60's, they work hard, thrive and assimilate into the French Republic. For sure this causes a profound hate in a part of the Maghrebian and Muslim African criminal community. For people that base part of their identity in that false victimization used to justify their hatred for France and the complete failure in life, it has to be painful to see how a community that did not even speak the language when they got to the country has no problems to move ahead.
It's also important to note that traditionally a good part of the Maghrebian population (mainly those with a low educational level) is deeply racist. Don't be mislead by the fact of seeing "beurs" and blacks together in these criminal bands, as one black friend of mine (married to a Moroccan girl, yes hopefully not all Maghrebians are racists), explained me, if one of the blacks tried to have something with the sister of one of the beurs, probably trouble would happen.
And there is another big point that I can think makes these criminals burn with hate. When you see the pictures of the demonstrations organised by the East-Asian community to demand protection, you see tons of French flags. Yes, they feel like French citicens, they are or want to be part of the French community. Can you think of something more offensive for these criminals that harbor so much hatred inside against France? For la racaille it's not only that these Chinese are "yellow" and not muslims, it's that they feel French!!!
Hopefully one still finds glimpses of hope in the bad neighbourhoods, like for example the collective Femmes sans voile (women withou veil), a group of corageous and freedom loving French-Maghrebian women that rebel against the use of the fucking veil and any other imposition from the Islamist scum. Checking their site I've come across with another even more inspiring place, the site of the Conseil des Ex Musulmans de France. I just can say, BRAVO!!! (and please, don't take me wrong, I have Muslim friends that I really appreciate and I still think that an interpretation of Islam adapted to Europe is possible and compatible with the French Republic, but as an atheist I can not feel but joy when seeing people abandon Islam and embracing freedom)
Also, this cartoon that I found on their site is amazing:
- No man has the right to beat a woman.
- Are you islamophobic?