Years ago, when I first knew about Femen, I got quite interested on them, but I have to admit that it was more due to the nice view of young women in topless protesting histerically on the streets that because of their feminist agenda. Of course I consider men and women should have equal rights, but living at that time in one of the few parts of Westen Europe where Islam basically did not (and hopefully still does not) exist, I used to think that these equal rights were a reallity (and indeed in some cases: child custody after divorce, parity rules, positive discrimination... women had more rights than men). At the same time, I understood that Ukraine was a much more conservative (backwards) society, and sure things were different, but anyway I was more interested in their "topless attitude" :-)
At the same time, for my Western European mind it was odd that these feminists would protest "with almost no clothes". For me the main problem for women was their reduction to sexual objects and all the social pressure that comes with it (look beautiful and sexy or be a freak and a loser), so showing their almost naked bodies to defend the women's cause seemed contradictory to me. Of course it was a way to gather (a lot of) attention, but anyway it seemed odd and dubious to me.
Over time their protests became more and more interesting. They were confronting the (radical) Orthodox church and the Islamists! At one point one of their main members cut down a cross in Kiev. Over years I've become less and less critical to Christianity (if people need a religion to fill their spiritual needs better that they chose Western style "humanist" Christianity rather than "humanophobic" Islam...) but the ultra-conservative Eastern Europe Orthodox Church (homophobic, nationalistic...) is a different story, so I almost entered in ecstasy with that video :-D
After this the activist Inna Shevchenko, had to search for refuge in France (Tu es la bienvenue chez nous!!!), where she has developed the Femen branch. Their actions in France (at least the main ones I'm aware of) have been corageous and praiseworthy, confronting Islamists and the FN likewise. Seeing 3 bare breasted women burn a salafist flag in front of the Great Mosque of Paris was almost orgasmic to me! With this action they moved from activists to heroines.
I had not thought much of them in the last years, until I read a pretty intesting interview in Charlie Hebdo on the occasion of the release of a book written by 2 of their members, Inna and a French Madeimoselle, "Anatomie de l'oppresion", dealing with the oppresion exerted by religions over women
"A radical and enraged essay, a lawsuit for 'blows and wounds' against religions" - Coco, Charlie Hebdo
In these last years in France I've seen to what extent (one form of) Islam is trying to destroy our freedoms and our mixed society. How it asks its followers to keep away from the infidels prompting them to live in a separate, medieval community until the day they manage to conquer the whole country. How it despises women turning them into worthless objects. There are neighbourhoods in Paris where a normal Arab woman will be insulted (at the least) for not wearing a scarf and will not be allowed into a bar!!! (This form of) Islam is the biggest enemy of humanity, and of women in particular. So suddenly, I've realised how powerful a weapon against these medieval beasts the naked body of a rebellious woman is. It represents all what they hate and fear, a proud woman, shameful, corageous and ready to kick their fucking, hairy balls. In a sense we are back in the 60's, when women would wear a mini-skirt as a symbol of freedom and rebellion against the moral rules of conservative society. This made them dangerous and scary rather than weak objects. Femen has managed to turn the female body into a very threatening object, into a weapon, at a time when because of the reIslamisation of the population of the "quartiers populaires" and the arrival of more Islamist invaders, this is more necessary than ever. We need this courage and determination in both women and men to defend our society and freedoms from the horrors of radical Islam or Nationalism. Notice that Femen's headquarters in Paris have been attacked by neonazis. It's interesting that these bold aryan warriors attack a feminist centre but don't have the bollocks to attack a Salafist indoctrination centre (aka radical mosque) or the conferences of that anti-white, anti-French group of criminals and proto-terrorists kwnon as Les indigenes de la Republique.
I learnt in the interview that a few years ago some designers were
It makes pretty much sense. Almost 2 centuries separate the amazing representation of Marianne (the French republic) in the canvas by Delacroix, "La Liberté guidant le peuple (Liberty leading the Peope)" from the Femen protesters, but one can see in them the modern incarnation of Marianne.
So Femen, please, continue to kick the balls of bearded medieval fascist ("Niqab ta mére - Fuck your mother") and new style nationalists as hard as you can! Vive la République laïque!