Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Die Turkey Die

The Kurdish people in Northern Syria (Rojava) have been an example of Humanism, Integrity and Struggle for all these last years. When I saw them in several interviews saying that their fight against ISIS was not just a fight for their people, but a fight for all of Humanity I could feel shivers down my spine. Used as we are to see how societies in the Middle East have descended into the Middle Ages led by Islam... see these people aiming to create a socialist society with equal rights for men and women and all ethnicities has been something beyond inspirational.

I was pretty aware of how difficult their path would be. Fighting the Islamist scum funded by petrodollars and Turkey, resisting the Turkish dirty war (arming and allowing the Islamist scum to cross the border, launching random attacks against Kurd revolutionaries under the pretext of being associated to the PKK...) But these Kurdish heros had managed to do the impossible, defeat ISIS, form a solid alliance with other non fundametalist ethnicities of the region, and liberate much more territory (both from ISIS and Assad) than anyone would have expected. Furthermore, they seemed to have gained international recognition as the most fierce and effective fighters against ISIS. I was not expecting to see in the next years Rojava turned into an official Kurdish state with full international recognition, but I could expect to see an Autonomous Region working as a sort of de-facto state. Once entered into a sort of peace (whatever instable this word is in that part of the world), one could expect thousands of Anarchists, Communists and Socialists (real ones, not IslamoLeft crap) moving there to help with the construction of this egalitarian society.

But all this was too much for the Turkish IslamoFascist beasts. As you know Erdogan has launched an all out war against the Rojava Kurds, the "olive branch operation" sending his troops and collaborating (even more openly) with remaining yihadist groups. One could expect that the international community that so willing was to use the Kurds to die on the ground fighting ISIS would show some sort of loyalty for their previous comrades, but it's not been at all like that, and we've seen one of the most ominous acts of treason in recent history. About the Putin Fascist openly collaborating with Erdogan, I think there's little to say. I wonder what the European far-right, that tends to see in Putin a sort of hero, a "defender of Christianity and moral "... thinks about this fucking traitor allying with the Islamist Turkish "empire". One could only wish to see the yihadists that are fleeing Syria and Irak join the Chechen Islamists and committing as many and as horrible attacks on Russian soil as posible...

I HATE Turkey for multiple reasons. For its present, a society that is more and more islamised and more and more nationalistic, that denies (and punishes those that don't) the Armenian and Greek genocides, that denies the existence of the Kurdish people... and for its past: the biggest enemy of Europe, that tried to conquer us multiple times and that unfortunately partially succeeded (the Balkans, Constantinople...) A society that massively votes for Erdogan and that adheres to the idea that when they emigrate, they and their sons and grandsons... will continue to be Turkish, rather than German, French or whatever country that has had the disgrace of seeing them set foot on their soil...

For sure the oppression of the Turkish people has made my hate for Turkey skyrocket... For the Kurds, lauching attacks on Turkish soil is a very problematic decision. If some civilian died Erdogan would have just what he desires so much, one more pretext to call them terrorists... so it should be the European progressist people who should attack (non violently I guess...) Turkish interests in our countries. Way beyond economical boykot, embassies, Turkish companies (Turkish Airlines agencies for example), Turkish cultural centres... should be targeted. Massive demonstrations burning Turkish flags, Turkish football teams being forced out of the stadiums when playing here... I can think of many ways to try to make them aware of how much we hate them and how much one day they will have to pay... Let's dream of a day when Constantinople will be "cleaned up" and returned to Europe.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Droit de Sol - Droit de Sang

In summer 2014, during the Football World Cup (I don't give a shit about football, by the way), one evening I heard tons of noise on the street, like a celebration, mainly cars with their claxons. It was odd, France was not playing that day, so no victory to celebrate in principle. I looked through the window and saw cars with people shouting with half of their bodies out of the cars waving Algerian flags. Yep, Algeria had won that day and they were cellebrating it. I found it funny but interesting, I thought those French people of Algerian descent would have a mixed identity, it seemed normal to me. The next day I read something not so funny in the newspaper regarding this "Maghrebian partying". In the Quartiers Sensibles this cellebrations involved burning cars (not sure if these fires were accompanied by stoning the police, the firefigthers, some buses... as it happens lately in Halloween, New Year's Eve... in these neighbourhoods). Retarded, medieval beasts have odd ways to express their happiness... but anyway I think I didn't pay much attention to it, at that point I thought multicultural France was working as I dreamed it to work, and not as the growing mess of the last decade(s)...

Over the next years I've become more and more aware of how one kind of immigration has enriched this country in so many aspects, but another part of the immigration (particularly their children), is destroying this society. I guess you don't need more explanations, but yes, sure I'm talking about one (sizeable) part of the Muslims and people of Maghrebian descent... It's not only the Islamist scum or the dealers and criminals, it's that as the basis of it, these people that have been born and raised in France and enjoyed all the opportunities (well, only a few, others like education they decided to reject them) that this country has to offer, don't consider themselves French, and not because they are Anarchists, but because they consider themselves Moroccans, Algerians, Tunisians...

If you don't know what Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis mean, you should read the articles, but let's say that the nationality laws of advanced countries (like France or indeed Spain) apply a mix of both. Basically any progressist person should advocate for applying some sort of "intelligent" Jus Soli to "foreigners". I mean:

  • If you are born in one country of foreign parents, but this is not accidental (a temporal trip), but your parents have been living in the country and plan to continue to live in the country with you, and they (and you) are integrated in the country, you should be granted the nationality almost automatically.
  • If you migrate to one country, live and work there for a few years, and you demonstrate that you have integrated in the local culture, you should get the nationality without any problem, and get the same rights (and duties) as anyone which grand-grand-grand... parents had been born in the country

For ethnic nationalists, far-right idiots and so on, things are very different... they consider that your right to nationality depends only on your ancestors... fucking assholes. It's a form of predestination. Basically your ancestors determine where you can live, where you can feel to belong to, it's a denial of human individual freedom and evolution.

When someone that has been born and lived in this country all his life considers that his contry is the one where his parents (or maybe not even them, just his grandparents) were born, a country where maybe he goes once per year... it seems crazy to me. It also seems like a disgusting display of ingratitude. Your parents or grandparents moved away from their poor countries to pursue a better life here, and this society accepted them and gave them and their descendants full rights, but you despite this society by adhering to that other "faraway" country...

This kind of ingratitude feels like a bit offensive, and indeed it makes me wonder why these people don't move to that other country that is so fascinating and they love so much... well, do you really need an answer? But well, to a certain extent one could bear with it. What is way beyond unacceptable is when this attitude leads to mobs to riot on the street and loot shops, as idiots of Moroccan descent did in Brussels and Paris last November...

In any case, this situation where someone fully identifies with the country of his ancestors rather than with the country where he has lived so far, seems to me like a pure form of Jus Sanguinis and of ethnical/genetic nationalism. So in the end all these people look to me like far-right militants. How odd that the antifascist left only fights the European far-right and not the maghrebian far-right...

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Juger les Djihadistes

The excellent editorial by Riss (La-bas si j'y suis) in last week's Charlie Hebdo reminded me of another stupid debate happening now in France. It deals with whether the Yihadists of French nationality that have been captured in Syria or Irak should be judged in those countries or should be brought back to France to judge them here. The idea is that a French citizen that joins a terrorist organization is already committing a crime under the French law and hence can be judged in France. OK, that sounds correct, but as he has committed crimes (murdering, raping...) in another country for sure the other country has the right to judge him according to its laws. This criminal is already arrested in the country where he has conducted his worst crimes, so for sure he has to be judged there. If hopefully he is sentenced to capital punishment or a life sentence, that's all, if he were setenced to less than that then it would make sense that once he has finished his sentence he is brought to France and judged and condemned in France. Well, indeed that would be a very bad idea, because he would live a few years in prison at the expense of the French tax-payer and then he would be free in our soil, willing to radicalise others and attack again... The best option would be to deprive these beasts of the French nationality and never let them back.

Unfortunately, those who want to bring these bastards back in France have something completely different in mind. They want to bring them back in France now, so that they can scape the sentence in Irak/Syria (where hopefully and most likely they will be executed as they deserve) and be judged by the soft French laws that will just sentence them to staying a few years in a luxury prison where they will be able to radicalise other immates... This is what some stupid "Human Rights" organizations (you can read what I think about these "humans" here), families, Islamist scum and the the criminals themselves think.

So these criminals that hate France and the French society so much, that do not recognize its institutions and have pissed and shit on them for years (first as delinquents in their "quartiers", then trying to spread the Islamist disease, and then by "representing this country" killing innocents and raping...) now suddenly want to return "home" and adhere to the French law... obviously because they want to scape death and get the soft sentence that the lax and weak French Justice system (or any other Western European System) would give them... In the end these pieces of shit are neither so "valerous" as they claim or so "crazy" as the IslamoGauche tries to sell us as a way to excuse Islam... I don't know what "the book" says about it, but maybe being captured and executed does not grant these "warriors" with the promised 72 virgins...

Saturday, 6 January 2018


When I came across this article a few weeks ago it quite caught me by surprise. They talk about a kind of optimization that I was not aware of and it has helped me to refresh and regain some knowledge, so I'll write down some notes here for further reference. I'll be talking about C#, but the most generic part applies the same to Java (and other static, class based, languages).

Virtual calls are resolved at runtime. Objects point to a VTable, where there is an entry for each virtual method in the class. This way the correct method, Base.Method or Child.Method is called depending on the runtime type of the object. When invoking a method through an interface the thing gets a bit more complicated. As a class can implement multiple interfaces it's no longer a matter of going always to the n slot in the VTable. Years ago I managed to understand how interfaces and their VTables were managed in .Net, but I no longer remember how it worked, and indeed I can read that it has changed (huge article) in the last implementations of the CLR. I'm quite impressed cause it reminds me a bit of how things work in Java with "dynamic"... well, all in all let's just stick with the idea that calling a (virtual) method through an interface is a bit slower than calling it through a class, and of course both are slower than calling non virtual methods, where the compiler can put a direct call rather than the indirection levels involved by the VTables. There are multiple articles about this. Delegate calls are also slower than direct calls, what I don't fully understand is why they are slightly slower than virtual calls (based on some benchmarks), I would say that the levels of indirection involved are just the same.

In those old days when I used to check and even write some IL code I found it odd that calls to instance, non virtual methods are done through the callvirt IL instruction (as for virtual methods) rather than using the call IL instruction (that is used mainly for static methods and structs). The reason for this is that callvirt provides an additional feature, it checks whether the object is null, which is obviously unnecessary for static methods, but much needed for instance methods, regardless of whether they are virtual or not. When the JIT translates a callvirt opcode into real machine code, it will for sure add the null check, and depending on whether the method is virtual or not it will emit code to use the VTable or will insert a direct call to the method address, as explained here. There is another case when the C# compiler can skip the null check and emit a call rather than a callvirt, when the method call is immediately after the object creation, i.e. new myClass().method();

Related to all this I can remember how one friend of mine used to seal his classes due to performance benefits, honestly, I never put much interest in such habit of him. I can read now that sealed classes were not created with performance in mind, but they can incidentally provide performance benefits, due to devirtualization preciselly.

The JITter will sometimes use non-virtual calls to methods in sealed classes since there is no way they can be extended further.

If we have a sealed, child class that either overrides or keeps the original base virtual methods, for the calls to that method done through the child class (not through the base one), given that we are preventing further inheritance we can be sure that the method to be called is the one in the child class, so there's no need to use the VTable at all. The JIT takes this into accout and generates native code that calls the method directly. It's explained in the first linked article:

  • Calling virtual methods on a sealed class.
  • Calling virtual methods on a sealed method.
  • Calling virtual methods when the type is definitely known (e.g. just after construction).