J'en ai marré/I'm fed up:
- I'm fed up of Racialists that consider Racialism the new antiracism.
- I'm fed up of "Identitarians" that defend the identity of the country from which their ancestors fled escaping from poverty rather than defending the country where they've been born and grown, the country that has given them all the chances that they have decided to drop so they can live happy in their victimism.
- I'm fed up of communitarists that try to close themselves in a community defined by religion, skin color or external countries, rather than the national community.
- I'm fed up of so called "antifascists" that work hand in hand with IslamoFascists and xenophobic indigenists.
- I'm fed up of religious foundamentalists trying to impose on us the shit laws of their medieval society.
- I'm fed up of "Anticolonial activists" (Indigenists), that fight against the European colononialism of centuries ago (when a more advanced culture extended its control over less advanced societies) and defend the current colonialization of European soil by backward cultures...
- I'm fed up of Houria Bouteldja and Medine (le "rappeur" islamiste), and demand them to be immediatelly remigrated into their beloved Algerian shitholes.
- I'm fed up of the Rap anti-French, anti-white and islamo-supremacist.
- I'm fed up of people that denounce the European slave trade but have nothing to say about the Arab slave trade (that was much worse in numbers and probably way more cruel).
- I'm fed up of those who know nothing about Barbary corsairs seizing European women and children and turning them into sex slaves (hum, sounds like ISIS, maybe there's a certain religion as common basis in both cases...)
- I'm fed up of Maghrebian and Turkish ultra-nationalists that with all their xenophobia and histerical nationalism make any European "facha" look like a love and flowers hippy.
- I'm fed up of seeing people born and raised in France to leverage any opportunity to wave the flag of their parents country rather than the French flag.
- I'm fed up of seeing those same people spit of the French flag and make monkey sounds when the Marseillaise resounds.
- I'm fed up of seeing those same people using their "piece d'identité" (French ID card) to receive the social aids that allow them to spend their days complaining and conspiring against France, rather than working to keep it alive.
- I'm fed up of retarded people that think that all cultures are equal.
- I'm fed up of all those that think that asking immigrants to integrate and assimilate is fascism...
- I'm fed up of the leftist scum that defends and promotes all the things I'm fed up with. Melenchon, Benoit Hamon... History will remind you as what you are: traitors, cowards, collabos and fascists (you try to impose on us a failed model of multicultural/multiconflictual society without asking for our approval).
And today, I'm particularly fed up with La Coupe d'Afrique des banlieus/African Cup of the "French" suburban neighbourhoods. So this month the African Footbal Cup is being played, and people of African descent born and raised in France decided to play an African Cup in their neighbourhoods. So they made teams based on the country of their parents/grandparents, put on the t-shirts of those countries, waved flags of those countries, sweared loyalty to those countries hitting their chests, sang the anthems of those countries, felt an irrational pride for those countries, shitholes (with all my respect) like Algeria, Mali, Senegal, Turkey (yeah, the Turks decided to join the party, even if they hate Africans with all their soul)... where most of them have rarely set foot... and so on and so on. All of this on French soil, perpetrated by people born and raised in France and taking advantage of the French System... The black guy that came up with the idea explains that he decided to make teams based on nationalities to avoid the conflicts that would have erupted if they had made the teams based on neighbourhoods... OK, it would make sense if all those people had a feeling of being French and their "parents nation" were just a third level identity, but that's not the case at all. The guy goes on to tell us that he does not need to justify how French he is, he is obviously French because he has a French ID (Francais de papiers), pays with euros and drives a French car... wow, I really can't refute that...
You don't need to understand French to understand this video. All you need to understand is that all those people wearing a foreign "uniform", waving a foreign flag and singing a foreign anthem are doing so in France, and were born and raised in France. You also need to understand the the leftist journalists in the video (save for 1 of them, obviously not a leftist) can not believe how absolutely cool the whole thing is. How a great example of the "Vivre ensemble"/Living together, they are making... Yes, living together among Africans, "a cote des Francais" (apart from the French).
Cerise sur le gateu (icing on the cake), there's something that I guess is not in accordance with the French Laicité principles...There's been a match between a Muslim team and Christian team! Wow, c'est vraiment trop cool, n'est-ce pas? et apres!? (it's too cool, right? what's next!?) Maybe a match between gays and heteros, or between gays and bisexuals or... wow, there are so many ideas flowing...