Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Python "Power Instances"

We saw in my recent post about making an instance callable (__call__()) that the implicit search for __dunder__ methods will start searching for them in the class of the instance, not in the instance itself. So this happens also with __getattribute__, __setattribute__, we can change the look-up mechanism for an object by defining a __getattribute__, __setattribute__ in its class, but defining it directly in the instance will have no effect. Something similar happens also for descriptors, they are executed (__get__(), __set__()...) when found in a class, if found in an instance they are returned as such. I showed in that post a technique for overcoming this "limitation". We create a new class, add the dunder method(s) to it, and change the class of our instance to that new class (by reassigning the __class__ attribute). We could generalize this technique, having classes that create "power-instances", instances that we can easily not only do callable, but also define a __getattribute__, add descriptors, and why not, change its inheritance mechanism. All this for an specific instance, not for the whole class (which would affect all its instances).

So I've come up with the idea of having a decorator that decorates classes, turning them into classes which instances are "power-instances" on which we can alter the __getattribute__ behaviour, do __callable__ etc. The decorator returns a new class (PowerInstance class) inheriting from the original one and with additional methods (to do it callable, for adding instance methods, for adding properties, for interception, for adding a base class...). When this class is used for creating an instance it will return an instance not of this class, but of a new class (yes, we create a new class on each instantiation), that inherits from this PowerInstance class. The different additional methods that we defined in PowerInstance will perform the actions (add the specific __call__, __getattribute__(), modify inheritance...) on this new class. This is possible because we can return an instance of a new class rather than of the expected one by defining a new __new__() method in the class. OK, let's see the implementation:

from types import MethodType

# decorator that enhances a class so that we can add functionality just to the instance, not to the whole class
# it creates a new class PowerInstance that inherits from the original class
def power_instance(cls):
    class PowerInstance(cls):
        # each time we create an instance of this class, we create an instance of new Child class 
        # (in this Child class is where we add the extra things that we can't directly add to the instance)
        def __new__(_cls, *args, **kwargs):
            # it's interesting to note what someone says in OS that returning instances of different classes 
            # in a sense breaks object orientation, cause you would expect getting instances of a same class
            class PerInstanceClass(_cls):
            return super().__new__(PerInstanceClass)
            # remember this is how a normal __new__() looks like:
                # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
                #     return super().__new__(cls)
        def _add_to_instance(self, item, item_name):
            # type(self) returns me the specific class (PerInstanceClass) created for this particular instance           
            setattr(type(self), item_name, item)

        def add_instance_method(self, fn, fn_name: str):
            self._add_to_instance(fn, fn_name)

        def add_instance_property(self, prop, prop_name: str):
            self._add_to_instance(prop, prop_name)

        def do_callable(self, call_fn):
            type(self).__call__ = call_fn

        def intercept_getattribute(self, call_fn):
            type(self).__getattribute__ = call_fn

        def do_instance_inherit_from(self, cls):
            # create a new class that inherits from my current class and from the provided one
            class PerInstanceNewChild(type(self), cls):
            #NewChild.__name__ = type(self).__name__
            self.__class__ = PerInstanceNewChild
    # there's no functools.wraps for a class, but we can do this, so the new class has more meaningful attributes
    for attr in '__doc__', '__name__', '__qualname__', '__module__':
        setattr(PowerInstance, attr, getattr(cls, attr))
    return PowerInstance

And now one usage example. Notice how we enrich the p1 instance and this affects only that specific instance, if I create a new instance of that class, it's "clean" of those features.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name: str): = name

    def say_hi(self, who: str) -> str:
        return f"{} says Bonjour to {who}"

print(f"Person.__name__: {Person.__name__}")
p1 = Person("Iyan")

def say_bye(self, who: str):
    return f"{} says Bye to {who}"
p1.add_instance_method(say_bye, "say_bye")

p1.add_instance_property(property(lambda self:, "upper_name")

p1.do_callable(lambda self: f"[[{}]]")

# Person.__name__: Person
# Iyan says Bonjour to Antoine
# Iyan says Bye to Marc
# [[IYAN]]


# verify that say_bye is only accessible by p1, not by p2
p2 = Person("Francois")

except Exception as ex:
    print(f"Exception! {ex}")

except Exception as ex:
    print(f"Exception! {ex}")

# Francois says Bonjour to Antoine
# Exception! 'PerInstanceClass' object has no attribute 'say_bye'
# Exception! 'PerInstanceClass' object is not callable

Let's do our instance extend another class:

class Animal:
    def growl(self, who: str) -> str:
        return f"{} is growling to {who}"

print(f"mro: {type(p1).__mro__}")
print(f"bases: {type(p1).__bases__}")

# Iyan is growling to aa
# Iyan says Bonjour to bb
# Iyan says Bye to cc
# [[IYAN]]
# mro: (.PowerInstance.do_instance_inherit_from..PerInstanceNewChild'>, .PowerInstance.__new__..PerInstanceClass'>, , , , )
# bases: (.PowerInstance.__new__..PerInstanceClass'>, )

And now some interception via __getattribute__:

# intercept attribute access in the instance
print("- Interception:")

# interceptor that does NOT use "self" in the interception code
def interceptor(instance, attr_name):
    attr = object.__getattribute__(instance, attr_name)
    if not callable(attr):
        return attr
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        print(f"before invoking {attr_name}")
        # attr is already a bound method (if that's the case)
        res = attr(*args, **kwargs)
        print(f"after invoking {attr_name}")
        return res
    return wrapper


p3 = Person("Francois")
# interceptor that does use "self" in the interception code
def interceptor2(instance, attr_name):
    attr = object.__getattribute__(instance, attr_name)
    if not callable(attr):
        return attr
    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(f"before invoking {attr_name} in instance: {type(self)}")
        # attr is already a bound method (if that's the case)
        res = attr(*args, **kwargs)
        print(f"after invoking {attr_name} in instance: {type(self)}")
        return res
    return MethodType(wrapper, instance)        


# before invoking say_hi
# after invoking say_hi
# Iyan says Bonjour to Antoine

# before invoking say_hi in instance: .PowerInstance.__new__..PerInstanceClass'>
# after invoking say_hi in instance: .PowerInstance.__new__..PerInstanceClass'>
# Francois says Bonjour to Antoine

This thing of being able to have "constructors" that return something different from the expected "new instance of the class" is not something unique to Python. In JavaScript a function used as constructor (invoked via new) can return a new object, different from the one that new has created and passed over to it as "this". In Python construction-initialization is done in 2 steps, __new__ and __init__ methods, that are invoked by the __call__ method of the metaclass, so we normally end up in: type.__call__. In this discussion you can see a rough implementation of such type.__call__

# A regular instance method of type; we use cls instead of self to
# emphasize that an instance of a metaclass is a class
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    rv = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)  # Because __new__ is static!
    if isinstance(rv, cls):
        rv.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    return rv

# Note that __init__ is only invoked if __new__ actually returns an instance of the class calling __new__ in the first place.

It's interesting to note that someone says in stackoverflow that returning from a constructor an instance of class different to that of the constructor, particularly a different class each time, in a sense breaks object orientation, cause normally you expect all instances returned by a constructor to be of the same class (this expectation does not exist if what you use is a factory function).

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Static Members Comparison

Companion objects is a rather surprising Kotlin feature. Being a replacement (allegedly an improvement) for the static members that we find in most other languages (Java, C#, Python), in order to grasp its advantages I've needed first to review how static members work in these other languages. That's what this post is about.

In Java static members (fields or methods) can be accessed from the class and also from instances of the class (which is not recommended because of what I'm going to explain). Static members are inherited, but static methods are not virtual, their resolution is done at compile-time, based on the compile-time type, which is something pretty important to take into account if we are going to invoke them through an instance rather than through the class (it seems to be a source of confusion, and one of the reasons why Kotlin designers decided not to add "static" to the language). If we define a same static method in a Parent class and its Child class, and we invoke it through a Parent variable pointing to a Child instance, as the resolution is done at compile time (there's no polymorphism for static members) the method being invoked will be the one in Parent rather than in Child. You can read more here.

Things are a bit different in C#. Probably aware of that problem in Java, C# designers decided to make static members only accessible from the class, not from instances. static members are inherited (you can use class Child to access a static member defined in class Parent) and you can redefine a static method (hide the inherited one with a new one) in a Child class using the new modifier.

Recent versions of JavaScript have seen the addition of static members to classes (of course remember that classes in JavaScript are just syntactic sugar, the language continues to be prototype based). They work in the same way as in C#. They can be accessed only through the class, not through instances. You have access to them using a Child class (they are inherited) and you can also redefine them in a Child class.

class Person {
    static planet = "Earth"
    constructor(name) { = name;

    static shout() {
        return `${this.planet} inhabitant AAAAAAAAAAAA`;


class ExtendedPerson extends Person {



try {
    console.log(new Person("Francois").shout());
catch (ex) {

// inheritance of static fields/methods works OK

//it works because of this:
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(ExtendedPerson) === Person);

I assume static members are implemented by just setting properties in the object for that class (Person is indeed a function object), I mean: Person.shout = function(){};. Inheritance works because as you can see in the last line [[Prototype]] of a Child "class" points to the Parent.

An interesting thing is that from a static method you can (and should) access other static methods of the same class using "this". This makes pretty good sense, "this" is dynamic, it's the "receiver" and in a static method such receiver is the class itself. Using "this" rather than the class name allows a form of polymorphism, let's see:

class Person {
    static shout() {
        return "I'm shouting";

    static kick() {
        return "I'm kicking";

    static makeTrouble() {
        return `${this.shout()}, ${Person.kick()}`;


class StrongPerson extends Person {
    static shout() {
        return "I'm shouting Loud";
    static kick() {
        return "I'm kicking Hard";


// I'm shouting, I'm kicking
// --------------
// I'm shouting Loud, I'm kicking

Notice how thanks to using this we end up invoking the Child.shout() method, while for kick() we are stuck in the Parent.kick()

Static/class members in Python have some particularities. In Python any attribute declared in a standard class belongs to the class. This means that for static data attributes we don't have to use any extra keyword, we just add them at the class level (rather than in the __init__() method). For static/class methods we have to use the @classmethod decorator (if it's going to call other class methods) of the @staticmethod decorator if not. When we invoke a method in an object Python uses the attribute lookup algorithm to get the function that then will be invoked. As explained here Functions are indeed data-descriptors that have a __get__ method, so when we retrieve this function via the attribute lookup the __get__ method of the descriptor is executed, creating a bound method object, bound to the instance or to the class (if the function has been decorated with classmethod) or a staticmethod object, that is not bound, if the function has been decorated with staticmethod. Based on this we have that class/static methods can be invoked both via the class or also via an instance, that they are inherited, and that the polymorphism we saw in JavaScript works also nicely in Python. Let's see some code:

class Person:
    planet = "Earth"
    def __init__(self, name: str): = name

    def say_hi(self):
        return f"Bonjour, je m'appelle {}"
    def shout():
        return "I'm shouting"

    def kick():
        return "I'm kicking"

    def makeTrouble(cls):
        return f"{cls.shout()}, {cls.kick()}"

class StrongPerson(Person):
    def shout():
        return "I'm shouting Loud"

    def kick():
        return "I'm kicking hard"

p1 = Person("Iyan")


# inheritance works fine, with polymorphism, both invoked through the class or through an instance
p2 = StrongPerson("Iyan")

# I'm shouting, I'm kicking
# I'm shouting, I'm kicking
# --------------
# I'm shouting Loud, I'm kicking hard
# I'm shouting Loud, I'm kicking hard

print(Person.planet) # Earth
print(p1.planet) # Earth

Person.planet = "New Earth"
print(Person.planet) # New Earth
print(p1.planet) # New Earth

# this assignment will set the attibute in the instance, not in the class
p1.planet = "Earth 22"
print(Person.planet) # New Earth
print(p1.planet) # Earth 22

Notice how we can read a static attribute (planet) both via the class or via an instance, but if we modify it via an instance the attribute will added to the instance rather than updated in the class.

One extra note. We know that when using dataclasses we declare the instance members at the class level (then the dataclass decorator will take care of the logic for setting them in the instance in each instantiation), so for declaring static/class attributes in our dataclasses we have to use ClassVar type annotation: cvar: ClassVar[float] = 0.5