Saturday, 8 May 2010

Europe at stake

Europe (that set of Western countries with so many cultural and historical links that I'd like to see becoming a real plurinational State instead of the current "economical union") is at stake. No, I'm not referring here to some of the obvious risks:

  • Islamization. It mainly affects UK, Netherlands, France and Spain, so far eastern countries don't seem to be threatened by this issue. I guess the former countries are paying for our centuries of colonial lust and crimes.

  • The rise of far right parties (this affects to all Europe, but it's worst in eastern Europe: Hungary, Poland, Romania)

  • Outsourcing

  • The idiotic governments welcoming Turkey (and, who knows if even Morocco...)

What I'm talking here is about the leader of that think tank on the Future of Europe created in 2007 and that in the last days has submitted some conclusions. That "person" was responsible during his years as president of the Spanish Government of the almost complete destruction of the economy of my homeland (Asturies) and to a lesser extent, of my grandparents homeland, Galiza. Asturies was one of the more wealthy areas of Spain (along with Catalonia and Euskadi had lived an early Industrial revolution and had lived decades of economic expansion and population growth until this bastard reached to power).

For me, having grown up in a land where the economical crisis started (and of course continues today) in the early 80s and not in September 2008, seeing the main responsible for that crisis (with the associated massive forced emigration of a whole generation of Asturians unable to find a job in our broken economy) being awarded such new responsabilities is, at least, revolting.
It's terrifying to think what sort of lunatic ideas this shameless bandit can propose to "improve Europe" with the only purpose of profiting himself at the expense of no matter how many thousands of European workers that happen to stand in his path to power and money.

I hope someday History will judge this "person", his kleptomaniac right hand, and the the gang of criminals that drawing inspiration from him and his impunity have plundered Asturies from their chairs in Asturian Government over the last decades.

When Europe trusts such a bloody, corrupt inept, it's the confirmation that something terribly bad happens with our governments...


  1. Dafechu d´alcuerdu. Ye difícil esplicalo meyor. Agora esti gran lladrón y xefe de escuadrones prietos quier metenos tamién la nuclear. Yo tamién colé porque afaró mio país. Esti y el Guerra colos sos autobuses llenos de "descamisaos" que veníen a llenar el Molinón, a cambeu d´un bocadiellu y una cerveza, nos mitinos. CXB

  2. Carlos, gracies pol comentariu, ye un honor tenete visitando el mío blog, yo l.levo bien d'años lleendo los tos artículos.
    Ye bien murniu que'l espectáculu de los "descamisaos" entá tengamos que sufrilo tolos años con coses como Rodiezmu... mentes vacíes ya barrigues agradecíes...

  3. Hi Payo I,m Tamar, always watching you just as Kaviru!
