Friday 21 October 2011

Murder of a brave man

Well, I guess everyone knows the big news of the day, colonel Gaddafi has been murdered today by the NATO-paramilitar "rebel" forces joint venture... I don't intend to praise Gaddafi as a "good guy", as in the 70's he funded a good bunch of armed organizations that committed all sort of violent acts in the Western world. Some of these organizations had a left wing revolutionary ideology and meant to create a new and better society, but were pretty confused as to how to spread marxism and liberate the "working class", others were just a gang of criminals, islamists and other crap...

I'm not Lybian and I've never been to Lybia (and I guess I'll never be, as I have serious doubts that after the NATO bombs have taken the country back to the stone age... it willl ever be a place worth a visit...), but I think to know enought about recent history and about how our current world drowns in NeoLiberal poison to firmly believe that Lybia is much worse now than it was 1 year ago. I already expressed my views about the invasion of Lybia in this previous post, now, not only do I reaffirm those opinions, but even more, I dare to claim that Lybia will never reach again the same level of development (high quality public education system, health system, per capita rent) that it enjoyed under Gaddafi's dictatorship. The new regime, consisting of Islamists and greedy puppets of the Multinationals, will bring no good to Lybians, that I'm sure will end up remembering the old times when their kids could attend to the University for free and their natural resources were used to develop the country instead of filling foreign pockets...

These 2 videos clearly align with my understanding of the "Lybian conflict":

The images of the "rebels" murdering Gaddaffi and dragging his body is that repulsive as the images of the NATO leaders cellebrating this public execution as a triumph of liberty and Human Rights... fucking hypocrites...

As a final point, whatever one's opinion about Gaddafi is, what I think everyone will have to concede is that Gaddafi has died like a brave man, someone that firmly believed in his role as the leader of his people and that as such, chose to die fighting instead of fleeing to Algeria, Russia or some other country where his money, old friendships and "business secrets" would sure have bought him a secure location under the protection of the local government with the only condition of keeping a low profile.

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