Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Physics of Absurd

This has been one of the most absurd experiences in a long while, it seems like a 1 week delayed April Fool's joke. I've received to my great excitement an email invitation to download Atom, the Source Editor developed by GitHub. So, I hurried to click on the invitation link and I was welcomed with the first unpleasant surprise, a button requesting me to give the Site read-access to my Email Contacts. There was no "Skip" button, just Accept, so, though reluctant, I felt forced to accept. Continue on to the next page, and shit, here it is:

No, I have not altered the image, it's real as pain. It can only be downloaded for Mac!!! I thought somehow the browser was wrongly identifying me as a Mac user (over my dead body!), but not being able to find a Windows or Linux download, I ran to check the wikipedia page and found that this was not an error, it's for real, so far they only have a Mac version!

Really, I can't fucking understand it. How can it be that GitHub, the "social coding" site, one of the most most appealing sites for developers seeking to learn and share, decide to release a product (supposedly temporarily, Windows/Linus versions seem to be planned) only for Mac, the most trendy, stupid and anti open source company that I can think of. Yes, I have a deep distaste for anything Apple... A company that just sells image and coolness.

All this touches one topic that has annoyed me quite a lot since a while, why have many Linux/open source advocates got enticed to the Apple world. And come on, don't tell me that Mac OS has an "open source heart"... it's just that, "the heart" same as Android, everything else surrounding it is closed and dirty. Taking advantage of the community rather than contributing to it... It really shocks me, people that to these days continue to rant against Microsoft (that in the last years seems to me much more interested in Open Source) have fallen in Appel's trap. Maybe it's that when you've always been a freak finding hard to fit in the pack, resorting to Apple's hipster shit is the easiest way to gain a thin layer of "coolness", a way to get looks of approval when you step into Starbucks... who knows, maybe someone has improved his sexual life thanks to carrying "the fresh apple" with him (yes, who knows, maybe I should try...)

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