Monday 6 November 2023

JavaScript LazyProperty and Lookup

In my previous post I talked about lazy/cached properties in Python. We can use similar techniques in JavaScript, as explained here and here. The second post leverages decorators, available only in (very) recent versions.

I have nothing to add to those articles, and this post is indeed about the basis: properties lookup and getters-setters. While in python we call attributes to the fields in one object, in JavaScript we call them properties. Each property has a Property Descriptor object associated to it, that defines the behaviour of the property. We have 2 types of descriptors (which means that we have 2 types of properties), data descriptors (that correspond with a normal data field in other languages) and accessor descriptors (that correspond with getters/setters in other languages).

I have not found any complete reference about property look-up in JavaScript, so what I'll write below is based on experience and some recent tests. Notice that accessor descriptors in JavaScript correspond to Python descriptors, but as we saw last week Python differentiates between Data and Non-Data Descriptors (depending on the combination of __get__, __set__, __delete__ that they feature).

When looking up a property in an object JavaScript will check first in that object, and if not there it'll check in its prototype chain. When getting the property there's no extra logic. However, when setting it, it's a bit more complex.
- If the property exists in the object, it's used/updated.
- If the property does not exist in the object:
--- if it exists in the prototype chain:
------ if what it finds in the prototype chain is an accessor it'll use that accessor. This means that if the accessor has a set(), it'll use that setter, but if it has no set() it'll do nothing.
------ If the property exists in the prototype chain as a data property, it'll set it in the object, not in the prototype.
--- if it does not exist in the prototype chain it'll set it in the instance

Let's see some code:

class Book {
    constructor(name) { = name;

    get isbn() {
        console.log("isbn property getter");
        return `${}-ISBN`;

So my Book class has an isbn getter property (it's defined in the class, so it's in Book.prototype, reachable from a Book instance through the prototype chain), that automatically "calculates" the isbn, but let's say that for a specific instace I want to set a particular value. This will do nothing:

// this line has no effect, no crash, but it will set nothing
// as the getter only was defined in the class, not in the instance, trying to set the value in the instance does nothing
console.log("- try to set it to aaaa")
b1.isbn = "aaaa";
// Atomka-ISBN

I have to define a property in the instance (I'll just use a data property) using Object.defineProperty

// I have to do it like this:
console.log("- define isbn property in the instance and set to 'aaaa'")
Object.defineProperty(b1, "isbn", {
    value: "aaaa",
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true,

Now that the property exists in the instance, trying to set it again will work fine, as it will just use the data property in the instance, and not the accessor property in the prototype chain:

//now that it's been set in the instance I can update it
console.log("- update it to 'bbbb'")
b1.isbn = "bbbb"

An now an example of how getting a data property from an object will search it in the prototype chain if it's not directly in the object, but setting it will set it in the object.

Book.prototype.canBeRead = true
let b1 = new Book("Atomka");

console.log(`b1 can be read: ${b1.canBeRead}`); //it gets it from the prototype chain
// true

b1.canBeRead = false;
console.log(`b1 can be read: ${b1.canBeRead}`); //but it sets it in the instance
// false

b2 = new Book("Ange Rouge")
console.log(`b2 can be read: ${b2.canBeRead}`); //it remains as true in the prototype chain
// true

Additionally, notice that the delete operator only works in direct properties (own properties) of an object, it does not go through the prototype chain at all.

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