Thursday 16 November 2023

Python Lambdas to the Limit

The limited support for lambdas in python (the body of a lambda must be a single expression) is something that felt really painful to me when I went back into python programming last year. Overtime I've realised that this is not so horrible, as this limitation forces you to use a local function (that if) declared with a meaningful name, that can make your code more clear than using a relativelly long lambda declared in place. Anyway, I continue to find this limitation annoying, as in many cases I would prefer to use a lambda than a local function

It's important to make clear that the lambda limitation is not about having just a single line. You can have a lambda with multiple lines, as long as those lines make up an expression. What you can not have in a lambda is statements (not even one).

Related to this, I've recently come across a trick that allows us to overcome this limitation in many use cases. We can declare the body of our lambda as a sequence or a list with expressions as items. That sequence/list is an expression with nested expressions (its items). I mean, this is perfectly valid:

f1 = lambda x: (
    print(f"{x} received"),

OK, that's good, but a normal use case involves assigning values to variables in the lambda and doing something with those variables. Assigning a value to a variable is a statement... well, not necessarily, as in python we have Assignment Expressions (aka walrus operator)! Add to the mix Conditional Expressions (aka ternary operator), and we are pretty well covered. We can write things like this:

fn = lambda x, y: (
    x := x.upper(),
    y := y.upper(),
    print(f"result: {x} - {y}")

fn("aaa", "bbb")
#result: AAA - BBB

Notice that the lambda returns the expression that makes up its body, so in these cases it's returning the sequence (with the different evaluated expressions), e.g. (None, 'AAA', 'BBB', None). That's fine in cases like the above where we are not interested in the return, but in the common case where the lambda is intended to "calculate" something and return it (that would be the last expression in the sequence), we'll have to invoke the lambda and access to its last item, I mean: my_fn("a", "b")[-1] which reads a bit strange. To avoid this, we can write a factory function (I'll call it "multi" for "multi-lambda") that wraps the lambda in a function that takes care of invoking it and returning the last value. I mean:

def multi(fn: Callable) -> Callable:
    return lambda *args: fn(*args)[-1]

That we can use in a rather complete example like this:

cities = ["Paris", "Xixon"]

cities2 = map(multi(lambda x: (
    print(f"formatting: {x}"),
    y := x.upper() if x.startswith("P") else x.lower(),
)), cities)


#formatting: Paris
#formatting: Xixon
#['||Paris-PARIS||', '||Xixon-xixon||']


I would have not thought we could write code like this in python!

I can't close this post without mentioning coconut python, a functional superset of python that among many other cool features comes with (multi) statement lambdas.

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