Saturday 20 January 2024

JavaScript async generators oddity

Recently I've found a stackoverflow discussion where a weird feature of JavaScript async generators is mentioned. If the async generator yields a Promise, the generator itself (well, the next() method in the corresponding generator object) will wait for the resolution of the Promise, returning its value.

I mean, this sentence for example:
yield Promise.resolve("AAA");
is replaced by this one:
yield await Promise.resolve("AAA");

This means that in this code below, the try-catch inside the generator will catch the exception:

function asleep(timeout) {
    return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, timeout));

async function* asyncCities(){
    await asleep(1000);
    try {
        yield Promise.reject("rejected City");
    catch (ex) {
        console.log(`Exception: ${ex} caught in the async generator`)
        yield "fixed";

async function main() {
    let citiesGenerator = asyncCities();
    try {
        let city = await;
        console.log(`city: ${city.value}`);
    catch (ex){
        console.log(`Exception: ${ex} caught in the main function`)
    //Exception: rejected City caught in the async generator
    //city: fixed


This is slightly different from returns in asynchronous functions, where (as we saw in my previous post) if we return a Promise, the wrapping Promise will resolve to the resolution of that inner Promise, but all this is managed by the caller, not by an "invisible await" inside the async function. This means that in the below code the exception will be caught in the main function:

async function getCapital() {
    await asleep(1000);
    // this try-catch here is useless, returning a rejected promise is fine, it's outside when they wayt for it that they will get an exception and will have to handle it
    try {
        return Promise.reject("rejected City");
    catch (ex) {
        console.log(`Exception: ${ex} caught in the async function`)
        return "fixed";

async function main() {
    // an exception happens here, as obviosuly in an async function the "return Promise" was not replaced by a "return await Promise" as it happens with the async generator
    // so the internal try-catch was useless
    try {
        let capital = await getCapital();
        console.log(`capital: ${capital}`);

    catch (ex) {
        console.log(`Exception: ${ex} caught in main function`)
    //Exception: rejected City caught in main function


I hardly can think of any situation where this behaviour will cause any gotcha, but it seemed interesting to me to mention it here.

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