Wednesday 17 January 2024

Promise.race and Access to the Resolved Promise

With the JavaScript Promise.race method we obtain the result/exception of the first resolved/rejected Promise. Normally that's all we need, but in some cases we would like to know the Promise itself that caused that resolution or rejection (notice that in Python asyncio.wait we obtain the Futures, not its values/exceptions), so what could we do? The solution for me is creating a "wrapper" Promise that resolves/rejects when the original Promise resolves/rejects. This wrapper Promise will resolve to the original Promise (not to its result). Initially I was thinking of resolving to a tuple with the result and the original Promise, but that's not necessary, as we can get the result by awaiting again the already resolved original Promise.

What we have to bear in mind is that a Promise A does not resolve to another Promise B, it will wait for that Promise B to be resolved to a "normal value", and then Promise A will resolve to that "normal value". I mean:

    let result = await Promise.resolve(Promise.resolve("AA"));

    async function getMsg() {
        return Promise.resolve("AA");
    result = await getMsg();

    result = await Promise.resolve("").then(result => Promise.resolve("AA"));
	result = await new Promise(resFn => resFn(Promise.resolve("AA")));

Because of that, we will resolve the wrapper Promise to an array containing the original Promise, rather than directly to the original Promise. Else, when awaiting for the wrapper Promise we would end up getting the result of the original Promise, rather than the resolved original Promise.
So let's say we have this async getPost function.

async function asleep(timeout) {
    return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, timeout));

const delays = {
    "A1": 1000,
    "B1": 2000,
    "C1": 50,

async function getPost(id) {
    console.log(`getting post: ${id}`)
    if (delays[id] === undefined) {
        await asleep(500);
        throw new Error(`Missing post: ${id}`);

    await asleep(delays[id]);
    return `POST: [[${id}]]`;

We will launch a bunch of getPost actions, and we want to perform an action each time one of the posts is retrieved. We'll use Promise.race() for that, but we need to know the Promise that got resolved, so that then we can filter it out and invoke Promise.race again with the remaining ones (it's what we typically do in Python with asyncio.wait).

async function runPromises1(postPromises) {
    while (postPromises.length) {
        // Notice how we wrap the Promise in an array. That way we have a Promise that resolves to an Array of a Promise
        // if we had a Promise p1 resolving to a Promise p2, then we would have the thing that p1 would not really resolve until p2 resolves, resolving to its result
        // this simple syntax works fine:
        let [pr] = await Promise.race( => p.then(result => [p]).catch(ex => [p])));
        try {
			// the "internal" pr Promise is already resolved/rejected at this point
            let result = await pr;
            console.log(`resolved index: ${pr._index}, result: ${result}`);
        catch (ex) {
            console.log(`Error: resolved index: ${pr._index}, exception: ${ex}`);
        postPromises = postPromises.filter(p => p !== pr);

async function main() {
    let postPromises = ["A1", "B1", "C1", "D1"].map(getPost); // (id => getPost(id));
    postPromises.forEach((pr, index) => pr._index = index);
    await runPromises1(postPromises);


As you can see, the important thing is this line:
await Promise.race( => p.then(result => [p]).catch(ex => [p])))
where the .then and .catch create the new Promise that will resolve/reject to an array containing the original Promise.

Rather than using then-catch we could write the above leveraging async, using an Immediately Invoked Async Arrow Function. An async function returns a new Promise that gets resolved/rejected when the function completes. As in the previous case we have to use the trick of returning the original Promise wrapped in an Array.

async function runPromises2(postPromises) {
    while (postPromises.length) {
        // Notice how we wrap the Promise in an array. That way we have a Promise that resolves to an Array of a Promise
        // if we had a Promise p1 resolving to a Promise p2, then we would have the thing that p1 would not really resolve until p2 resolves 
        // this more complex syntax also works fine, it's the same idea as the above
        // we have an Immediatelly Invoked Async Function Expression, it creates a Promise that resolves when the internal promise is resolved, returnig the promise itself (wrapped in an array)
        let [pr] = await Promise.race( => (async () => {
            try {
                await p;
            catch {}
            return [p];
        try {
            let result = await pr;
            console.log(`resolved index: ${pr._index}, result: ${result}`);
        catch (ex) {
            console.log(`Error: resolved index: ${pr._index}, exception: ${ex}`);
        postPromises = postPromises.filter(p => p !== pr);

This is one of those few cases where using .then().catch() looks cleaner than using async-await. Also, this need of knowing the Promise that has been resolved rather than just its value is not particularly realistic. In most cases we would just need to pass to .race/.wait... not just the getPost Promise, but a Promise for a function that both invokes getPromise and then performs the ensuing "print" action.

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