Sunday 24 March 2024

Python Object Literals

Kotlin object expressions are pretty nice. They can be used as the object literals that we like so much in JavaScript, but furthermore you can extend other classes or implement interfaces. In Kotlin for the JVM these object expressions are instances of (anonymous) classes that the compiler creates for us.

Python does not provide syntax for object literals, but indeed it's rather easy to get something similar to what we have in Kotlin. For easily creating a "bag of attributes" we can leverage the SimpleNamespace class. To add methods to our object we have to be careful, cause if we just set an attribute to a function, when we later invoke it it will be called without the "receiver-self". We have to simulate the "bound methods" magic applied to functions declared inside a class (that are indeed descriptors that return bound-methods). We just have to use types.MethodType to bind the function to the "receiver". Of course, we also want to allow our "literal objects" to extend other classes. This turns out to be pretty easy too, given that in Python we can change the class of an existing object via the __class__ attribute (I tend to complain about Python syntax, but its dynamic features are so cool!) a feature that we combine with the sometimes disdained multiple inheritance of classes. So we'll create a new class (with types.new_class) that extends the old and the new class, and assign this class to our object.
So, less talk and more code! I ended up with a class extending SimpleNamespace with bind and extend methods. Both methods modify the object in place and return it to allow chaining.

class ObjectLiteral(SimpleNamespace):
    def bind(self, name: str, fn: Callable) -> "ObjectLiteral":
        setattr(self, name, MethodType(fn, self))
        return self
    def extend(self, cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "ObjectLiteral":
        parent_cls = types.new_class("Parent", (self.__class__, cls))
        self.__class__ = parent_cls
        cls.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        return self

We'll use it like this:

class Formatter:
    def __init__(self, w1: str):
        self.w1 = w1
    def format(self, txt) -> str:
        return f"{self.w1}{txt}{self.w1}"

p1 = (ObjectLiteral(
    .extend(Formatter, "|")
    .bind("format2", lambda x, wr: f"{wr}{}-{x.age}{wr}")
    .bind("say_hi", lambda x: f"Bonjour, je m'appelle {} et j'ai {x.age} ans")

print(f"mro: {p1.__class__.__mro__}")
# let's add new attributes
p1.extra = "aaaa"

# let's extend another class
class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, v1: int):
        self.v1 = v1
    def calculate(self, v2: int) -> str:
        return self.v1 * v2
p1.extend(Calculator, 2)
print(f"mro: {p1.__class__.__mro__}")

print(f"instance Formatter: {isinstance(p1, Formatter)}")
print(f"instance Formatter: {isinstance(p1, Calculator)}")

# |Xuan-50|
# Bonjour, je m'appelle Xuan et j'ai 50 ans
# |Hey|
# |Xuan-50|
# Bonjour, je m'appelle Xuan et j'ai 50 ans
# mro: (, , , , )
# aaaa
# mro: (, , , , , , )
# |Hey|
# |Xuan-50|
# Bonjour, je m'appelle Xuan et j'ai 50 ans
# 8
# instance Formatter: True
# instance Formatter: True

Notice how after the initial creation of our object we've continued to expand it with additional attributes, binding new methods and extending other classes.

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