Sunday 10 March 2024

Default Arguments differences

After my previous post about late-bound default arguments/parameters (again I continue to be confused about saying "argument" or "parameter", and indeed the Kotlin documentation also seems to use them indistinctively in some occasions) I realised that there's another limitation of Python default arguments when compared to JavaScript or Kotlin. In python once you define a default argument, all the ensuing arguments also have to be defined as default ones, otherwise you'll get a Syntax Error.

This is not the case in Kotlin (and it seems in Ruby either), where:

If a default parameter precedes a parameter with no default value, the default value can only be used by calling the function with named arguments.

fun foo(
    bar: Int = 0,
    baz: Int,
) { /*...*/ }

foo(baz = 1) // The default value bar = 0 is used

So it's OK not to provide one default argument that has non-default arguments after it, but in that case you have to invoke the funcion naming the remaining arguments. There's an exception to this, if the last of those argument is a lambda (trailing lambda), you can just use the nice syntax of passing it outside the parentheses:

If the last argument after default parameters is a lambda, you can pass it either as a named argument or outside the parentheses

As all this ends up being a bit confusing, I think it's generally adviced to put all the default arguments at the end of the function signature (if the last one is a lambda this one is excluded from the rule).

In JavaScript you can also define them as in Kotlin, but given that there's no support for named arguments the behaviour is that if you pass less parameters than the function defines in its signature, it gets them in order, so it seems like it's not particularly useful. Well, it's useful if we explicitely pass undefined as the value for a default parameter, as in that case the default argument is used, rather than value (that's not the case if we pass null)

const format = (l1, l2 = "_", txt) => `${l1}${l2}${txt}${l2}${l1}`;

// not what we would like
console.log(format("|", "Iyan"));

// |_undefined_|

console.log(format("|", "_", "Iyan"));
// |_Iyan_|

// the thing of having declared a default parameter before a non default parameter is only useful if we decide to pass undefined, that will be replaced by the default value
console.log(format("|", undefined, "Iyan"));
// |_Iyan_|

Well there is a syntax "trick" in Python that sort of allows the kotlin behaviour as explained here. It leverages a Python feature that was unknown to me so far, Keyword-Only Arguments. So you can declare non default arguments after default arguments by placing a ", *" between them, as it forces you to pass by name the remaing non default arguments (so you get the same behaviour as in Kotlin). The disadvantage here is that indeed you are forced to pass those parameters by name always, even when you are providing all the values and not using any of the defaults.

# We're not allowed to write this:
# Non-default argument follows default argumentPylance
# def format(l1, l2 = "_", txt):
#     return f"{l1}{l2}{txt}{l2}{l1}"

# but we can use the * feature
def format(l1, l2 = "_", *, txt):
    return f"{l1}{l2}{txt}{l2}{l1}"

# both fail:
# format() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'txt'
#print(format("|", "Iyan"))

# works fine
print(format("|", txt="Iyan"))
# |_Iyan_|

# the disadvantage is that we are forced to always pass txt by name, even when we are passing all values
#TypeError: format() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
#print(format("|", "-", "Iyan"))

print(format("|", "-", txt="Iyan"))

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