Saturday, 12 October 2013

Debug, Release and PDBs

Many people (obviously I was among them) feel surprised when they build a Release version of a .Net Application with Visual Studio and find that .pdb (Program Database) files have been output to the Release folder along with the generated binaries. A better understanding of Release builds and pdb files will explain it.

Based on some online resources it seems like the Release configuration in Visual Studio invokes the compiler like this:
csc /optimize+ /debug:pdbonly

The /optimize flag instructs the compiler as to whether generate optimized MSIL code. My understanding is that there are few optimizations that the C# compiler applies when generating MSIL, I think the main difference is that a good bunch of NOPs is added to non optimized MSIL in order to make subsequent debugging easier. Take into account that most of the optimization tasks are done by the JIT when compiling from MSIL to Native Code. I'm not sure what effect the unoptimized MSIL has in the JIT compilation, as what I've read is that in principle JIT always tries to generate optimized code except when a method is decorated with the MethodImplAttribute set to NoOptimization, or while debugging with the Suppress JIT optimization on module load option. Also, I'm not sure whether the /optimize flag option has any effect on the JIT behaviour (it could set some additional metadata instructing the JIT to optimize or not Native code). Based on this article your can also manipulate the JIT behavior by means of a .ini file

The /debug flag tells the compiler whether it has to generate pdb files, and how complete the debug info should be (full vs pdbonly). This excellent post gives a neat analysis. It mentions another attribute to tell the JIT to what extent it must perform optimizations, the DebuggableAttribute. Related to this, it seems like the addition of MSIL NOPs has more to do with the /debug flag that with the /optimize one.

PDBs are a fundamental piece for any debugging attempt. This article will teach you almost everything you need to know about PDBs. Basically, you should always generate PDBs for your release versions and keep them stored along with your source code, in case you ever need to debug your Release binaries.

PDBs are used for a few more things other than debugging itself:

  • The .Net runtime itself uses the information in pdb files in order to generate complete stack traces (that include file names and line numbers). I guess the stack trace is built from StackFrame objects, about which we can read this:

    A StackFrame is created and pushed on the call stack for every function call made during the execution of a thread. The stack frame always includes MethodBase information, and optionally includes file name, line number, and column number information.

    StackFrame information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column information used in constructing StackFrame objects.

    I would say when they say talk about release/debug they should really talk about the presence or not of pdb files, cause as explained in the previous article, both full and pdbonly options generate the complete stacktraces.
  • ILSpy makes use of PDBs to get the names of the local variables (as these are not part of the Assembly Metadata). Assembly Metadata includes method names and parameter names, but not local variable names, so when decompiling an assembly into C# code ILSpy will read the variable names from the associated pdbs. I found these related paragraphs somewhere:

    Local variable names are not persisted in metadata. In Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), local variables are accessed by their position in the local variable signature.

    The method signature is part of metadata. Just to call the method it would be enough to know the binary offset of the method and its number and size of parameters. However, .NET stores the full signature: method name, return type, each parameter's exact type and name, any attributes on the method or parameters, etc.

    Given this source code:

    ILSpy will decompile a Debug build like this when PDBs are present

    like this for a Releasse build also with PDBs present

    and like this when PDBs do not exist

It's interesting to note that Java does not use separate files for its debugging information, debug information (if present) is stored inside .class files. More on this here

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