Monday 26 January 2015

Place de la Concorde

Probably the title of this post will make you think of Paris, but not, I'm talking about Toulouse. After more than 1 year living in this gorgeous city I have a series of places that I really love but that probably are not in most tourist guides. La Place de la Concorde is one of them.

I didn't come across it until a few months ago, and when I did I was delighted by the amazing piece of Art Nouveau Sculpture located there. It's quite unique in Toulouse and I'd never heard about it, but it's a rather complete example of Art Nouveau sensitivity: a delicate representation of femininity combined with flowers and animals.

I can not add anything to what you can already read in that French Wikipedia article, so I'll just post some pictures of my own. By the way, the quartier were it's located, "Les Chalets" has some very beautiful houses (for example the one hosting the Instituto Cervantes), the kind that make you wish you lived there

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