Sunday, 7 June 2015

International Brigades 2.0

Volunteers have been joining the fight against the Fascist Beasts of ISIS in Syria and Irak since last summer. First volunteers came from USA and UK mainly, some of them had militar experience and were joining the battle in a Good vs Evil basis, to defend ordinary men and women from being decapitated, raped, tortured and sold as slaves by the Islamist terrorists. Most of them did not have a left wing ideology, and indeed some of them ended up not feeling comfortable being integrated in a left wing force like YPG-JPG and decided to move to other "not red" groups, like some Christian militias or the Peshmerga.

Since the MLKP (a communist Turkish-Kurdish revolutionary vanguard) made a call to join an International Brigade to fight against IslamoFascism and support the Social Revolution in Rojava, a new kind of western volunteers showed up, these ones with a clear left or far-left ideology. It's unknown how many foreigners make up the ranks of this left wing militia (notice that most foreign revolutionaries there are Turkish-Kurdish Communists and Anarchists), but for sure they have had a certain media impact, and have helped a lot to bring to the table of the European left the drama of the Kurdish people and the need of Antifascists to confront IslamoFascism in the same way they confront "White-Nationalist-Fascism".
I already talked about the German revolutionary Ivana Hoffman, sadly fallen in combat against the IslamoFascist scum, and already in February a video was released portraying 2 Spanish Revolutionaries in Rojava, along with German and Turkish ones.

I had not known much of these humanitarian fighters until today, when through the site of the Comite de Solidaridad con Rojava y el Pueblo Kurdo I've found this documentary by a Spanish TV Channel about the Spanish Revolutionaries there. Unfortunately it is in Spanish, but even if you can not understand the language, the images are well worth your time. From this video I learnt that these Spanish guys are members of the Marxist-Leninist organization Reconstruccion Comunista (Communist Reconstruction) a very militant group putting a huge emphasis in the political education of its members. Knowing this, it's clear that these guys have not been drawn into this battle just for a quest of adventure or a youngster impulse, I assume that they are educated left wing militants taking a reasoned and consequent decision. They had previously done some interesting declarations to other Spanish media. As I'm linking an article in "El Pais" I need to clarify that I feel rather little respect for this Paper. It has its own agenda dictated by Spanish oligarchy, which makes it painfully partial when dealing for example with topics related to South America (Venezuela, Cuba) where this oligarchy has neocolonial interests and attitudes. In no way can it be considered at the level of European real papers like "Le Monde".

This is not a fight against Islam, but for peaceful co-existence between different cultures, and not just in favor of the Kurds, but all humanity. We cannot accept simplistic arguments that Islam is to blame. We are not fighting against Muslims, but against the fascism that Islamic State represents, in the same way that people fought in Spain in 1936 or in Stalingrad in 1943.”

By the way, these pictures of their organization, Reconstruction Comunista, quite impressed me. I'm quite far from some of their political positions, as the concept of "class war" is now totally alien to someone like me that to a certain extent has ended up in the moderate, "System changing but not System breaking" left, but the way they parade through the streets of Madrid, baring communist and republican flags in an almost military formation is really captivating. It gives a sense of discipline, organization, power and willingness to fight that is now more necessary than ever. At these times when the fascist monsters carrying the poison of radical islam or xenophobia and racism are more alive than ever in our old continent, the left must be ready for confrontation, a confrontation that goes far beyond dialectic and keyboards.

Honor and glory to Antifascist fighters

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