The Python discussion forum is a great source of interesting ideas (and also of frustration when some ideas are rejected in a rather harsh way based on the "it's not pythonic" bullshit). The other day one guy was proposing something that was like a sort of "generator literal" or "literal syntax for an iterable with lazy values". I mean, a syntax to define an iterable with values that won't be calculated until each of them is needed (that is, lazily). A straightforward way to express a "collection" made up of values where we need that at least some of them gets generated by a function call just at the moment when the value is needed by the iteration. These are "lazy values"
The syntax he was proposing was not feasible as it would clash with other existing uses, but what is particularly interesting is the workaround that he's using (I'm simplifying one of the lines to make it more clear). It took me a bit to understand it:
values: Iterator[str] = (lambda: (
(yield "abc"),
(yield expensive_func("bbb")),
(yield "something else"),
So, what's that? First he's working around the painful Python's lambda limitations (they can't contain statements) with the technique that I mentioned in this post, the expression (a tuple) with nested expressions (each element of the tuple). We can yield from each nested expression (notice that we have to wrap yield in parentheses so that it's considered as an expression, not as a statement). The above code is equivalent to this:
def gen_fn():
yield "abc"
yield expensive_func("bbb")
yield "something else"
return (None, None, None)
values: Iterator[str] = gen_fn()
There's another simple, obvious approach. A helper class that wraps the values and "lazy values" (with the lazy values represented as functions that it has to invoke). Something like this:
class LazyIterable:
def __init__(self, items: Iterable):
self.items = items
def __iter__(self):
for item in self.items:
yield item() if callable(item) else item
gen_ob = LazyIterable([
lambda: expensive_func("bbb"),
"something else",
There's not this literal syntax in JavaScript either, so we would have to use the same techniques I've just described, for example:
let genOb = (function*() {
yield "abc";
yield expensiveFunc("bbb");
yield "something else";
console.log("genOb created")
for (let it of genOb) {
Notice that we can not use arrow functions to define a generator (there's a proposal for that from 5 years ago...), so we are using a "traditional" function expression.
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