In my previous post I mentioned how I find it strange that the value returned by generator.close() (if it returns a value) is not made available in the next call to (or generator.send()) as the value of the StopIteration exception. A few months ago I wrote about the problems with for loops for getting access to the value returned by a generator, and provided a solution. Well, I've improved such solution to have generator object that wraps the original generator and addresses both issues. If we close the generator and it returns a value, the next time we call next() or send() such value is available in StopIteration.value. Additionally, if a generator returns a value (either if it's closed or it finishes normally) that return value is made accessible in a result attribute of our Generator wrapper. OK, much talk, show me the code:
import inspect
from typing import Generator, Any
def cities_gen_fn():
yield "Xixon"
yield "Paris"
yield "Lisbon"
yield "Bilbao"
except GeneratorExit:
# return this value both if closed or in a normal execution
return "XPLB"
# wraps a generator in an "extended generator" that stores the value returned by close() to "return it" it the next call to .next() or .send()
# it also stores the returned value if the original generator returns something
# that stored return-close value is only returned as StopIteration.value in the first call to .next()-.send(), ensuing calls return StopIteration.value as None
class GeneratorWithEnhancedReturnAndClose:
def __init__(self, generator_ob: Generator[Any, Any, Any]):
self.generator_ob = generator_ob
self.result = None
self.just_closed = False
self.closed = False
def __iter__(self):
return self
def _do_iterate(self, caller: str, val: Any) -> Any:
if self.just_closed:
self.just_closed = False
ex = StopIteration()
ex.value = self.result
raise ex
if caller == "__next__":
return next(self.generator_ob)
return self.generator_ob.send(val)
except StopIteration as ex:
if self.result is None:
self.result = ex.value
raise ex
def __next__(self):
return self._do_iterate("__next__", None)
def send(self, val):
return self._do_iterate("send", val)
def close(self):
if not self.closed:
self.closed = True
self.just_closed = True
self.result = self.generator_ob.close()
return self.result
def throw(self, ex):
return self.generator_ob.throw(ex)
print("- getting return value after for-loop")
cities = GeneratorWithEnhancedReturnAndClose(cities_gen_fn())
for city in cities:
print(f"return value: {cities.result}")
print("- using next() and close()")
cities = GeneratorWithEnhancedReturnAndClose(cities_gen_fn())
print(f"closing generator: {cities.close()}")
# first iteration after closing it returns the close-value in the StopIteration.value
except Exception as ex:
print(f"generator finished {ex.value}")
# next iteration returns StopIteration with value = None
except Exception as ex:
print(f"generator finished {ex.value}")
print(f"return value: {cities.result}")
print("- using send() and close()")
# test now that send() also works OK
def freak_cities_gen():
w = yield "Xixon"
w = yield f"{w}Paris{w}"
w = yield f"{w}Lisbon{w}"
yield f"{w}Bilbao{w}"
except BaseException: #GeneratorExit:
# return this value both if closed or in a normal execution
return "XPLB"
cities = GeneratorWithEnhancedReturnAndClose(freak_cities_gen())
print(f"closing generator: {cities.close()}")
# first iteration after closing it returns the close-value in the StopIteration.value
next(cities) #it's the same using next or send
except Exception as ex:
print(f"generator finished {ex.value}")
# next iteration returns StopIteration with value = None
cities.send("|") #it's the same using next or send
except Exception as ex:
print(f"generator finished {ex.value}")
print(f"return value: {cities.result}")
# - getting return value after for-loop
# Xixon
# Paris
# Lisbon
# Bilbao
# return value: XPLB
# ------------------------
# - using next() and close()
# Xixon
# Paris
# closing generator: XPLB
# generator finished XPLB
# generator finished None
# return value: XPLB
# ------------------------
# - using send() and close()
# Xixon
# ||Paris||
# closing generator: XPLB
# generator finished XPLB
# generator finished None
# return value: XPLB
Notice that we could inspect the call stack to get from what method we are being called and rewrite the code this way:
def _do_iterate_slow(self, val: Any) -> Any:
# this is very cool with the use of introspection to check the caller name, but that's pretty slow
if self.just_closed:
self.just_closed = False
ex = StopIteration()
ex.value = self.result
raise ex
if inspect.stack()[1][3] == "__next__":
return next(self.generator_ob)
return self.generator_ob.send(val)
except StopIteration as ex:
if self.result is None:
self.result = ex.value
raise ex
def __next__(self):
return self._do_iterate_slow(None)
def send(self, val):
return self._do_iterate_slow(val)
But other than being very cool, that stack access is rather slow, so we better avoid such technique.
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