Friday 2 July 2010

Boycott disgusting candy

Chupa Chups is was an Asturian lollipop company founded in the late 50's. It's been very successful and since its inception has been a very important player in the economy of Piloña, the small municipality where it was born.

After economic globalization applied its demonic logic it ceased to be an Asturian company becoming a stateless company no longer rooted in the territory where it grew up. It became part of the Perfetti Van Melle group, which after having received substantial funds from Asturian disgovernment (I bet after having threatened them with closing down) for many years, have finally decided to close their factory in Asturies and move the production to Barcelona.
The loss of around 300 jobs comes as a blow to this small municipality in this land suffering a 30 years economical crisis, being one more nail in Asturies' coffin.

The only thing I/we can do is call to boycott these white hat thieves. I plan not to purchase again any of their products and would love to see how their sales in Asturies drop dramatically.

Here's a complete list of their products, shit to avoid by all means:

* Mentos mints
* Airheads fruit chews
* Frisk mints
* Fruittella chews
* Vigorsol gum
* Vivident gum
* Chlormint gum
* Happydent mint gum
* Golia gum, only sold in Spain
* Alpenliebe caramel chews
* Big Babol gum
* Meller caramel chews
* Brooklyn Chewing Gum
* Center Fresh gum in India
* Chupa Chups
* Smint

I paste below an extract (in Asturian language) of a related press release by FUSOA, an Asturian workers collective.

En Chupa Chups la solución pasa per dañar la imaxe corporativa de la empresa, llevando a cau un boicó económicu al grupu Perfetti Van Melle (Chupa Chups, Smint, Mentos…) dende yá como midía de presión contra’l pieslle de la factoría que la empresa tiéne n’Asturies.
Dende’l FUSOA tamién llanzaremos una campaña dirixía a tolos y les kioskeres d’Asturies pa que se xunan tamién a esti boicó al grupu Perfetti Van Melle, pa que dichu boicó económicu a la empresa seya mayor que los beneficios qu’algamaríen desllocalizando la fábrica d’Asturies. Sólo pasando a la resistencia activa podemos vencer y llograr que Chupa Chups siga faciéndose n’Asturies.

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