Friday 16 July 2010

curse of war, curse of power

I've just watched the first 2 chapters of The Tudors, that is being broadcasted by Spanish TV. While watching it I've regretfully realized of how little I know about England's history (currently each time that I'm lucky to travel to a new place I try to read a lot about my destination's history, but first time I traveled to England I didn't have yet this good habit)

At the beginning of the first chapter there's a gathering of the king (Henry VIII)and some nobles where they discuss whether to declare war to France. This passage is absolutely repulsive, we can see a handful of privileged men frivolously deciding the future of thousands of poor devils. It's pretty unlikely that these nobles will ever get their hands bloody, get their bodies pierced by a sword, feel their stomachs revolve in the battle field or see their families cry and starve after losing their main resources provider... nevertheless, there they are, taking decisions that should not belong to them, playing with the pain of others, the sorrow of the servants for the joy of the masters...
After having convinced the others present there to lead the country ("his" people) to war, the king has some pleasant sex with his mistress, as if he had nothing else to ponder... looks like he's getting ready to fuck the whole contry...

The most disgusting of all this is that little has changed in the centuries that separate us from those days. Sure we have a feeling of freedom that 15th century lower classes didn't have, but in the end, when Bush, Putin, Ahmadinejad, Uribe... take decisions, our lives belong to them... They didn't come to power by the grace of God or the grace of their linage, but by the grace of democracy and mass media... but this changes too little for us, the 21st century servants...

Human societies continue to resemble food chains, and too many of us are little more than chickens in a factory farm...


  1. A tou esto, qué tal tuvo la serie? Merez la pena? Yo nun pude vela tovía...

  2. Nun tuvo mal, asina que yo que tú daba-y una oportunidá.
    Lleí na wikipedia que nun s'axusta del too a los fechos hestóricos, pero pa min que nun controlo d'esa época préstame pa faceme una idega.
