Sunday 11 April 2021

Father McKenzie

I'm a proud and regular reader of FDeSouche. It's an essential source of information to understand to what extent European society (particularly France) is crumbling under the weight of the Islamic invasion and the Far-Left mental disease.

Last week they published an entry announcing the death of one regular reader that used to contribute with his comments to some of the news, "Father McKenzie". He used to do some very smart and ironic contributions and the FDeSouche team seleted a couple of his comments. I never got to know this person, but based on those comments, and at times of war like these, I can easily think that we were on the same side of the frontline. I'll translate (to my crappy English from my poor French skills...) one of his comments, and leverage the occasion to tell him: "Repose en paix".

One day, historians, if any decent ones remain, will write that right at the time when our Western Societies were about to reach by their own efforts the social and political maturity, become fully pacified and get access to direct democracy, and maybe to a true distribution of power and national wealth, all of that was broken in a few decades by the evil means of the programmed invasion of hostile populations.

Maybe these historians, struck themselves by the historical regression thus created, will write from some hidden refuge in the Yukon Rocky Mountains or in the Chilean Andes.

It's not certain that they will still have readers, but later, much later, some Chinese, Korean, Hawaian of Japanese researchers will compile their texts and tell their students about the pre-Islamic past of the Euro-Asian Far West.

Then, in Seoul, Honolulu, Anchorage and Shangai, people will ponder, while listening to Jean Sébastien Bach, before the images of the excavations of Versailles, about the fate of civilizations and, as today travellers question themselves when seeing modern Egyptians and looking at the Pyramids, Kim, Chang and Lu will say "Are these people there the ones that built that?"

And the wind in the ruins will answer "NO"

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